15 October 2014

The Perfect Blue Nail Polish

I recently took a trip to Ulta and saw that their nail polishes were 3 for $9, so I had to take advantage. I decided to get a new base and top coat and a beautiful blue color. I found that the base and top coats

were pretty good, but they took forever to dry which was kind of annoying. But back to the main event, this amazing blue is called Blue Streak and I think it is the perfect shade  – not so dark that it looks black, but still suitable for fall. So far it hasn’t chipped a lot, so that’s a plus too!

What are your favorite blue nail polish colors? I would love to know!


  1. I was literally just thinking of getting a blue nail polish for winter! I wanted a light blue one, but your bright blue one has got me convinced ;)

    Every Day In Grace
